Sharing the majestic natural beauty of the Margaret River Region including Busselton, Margaret River, Dunsborough and Augusta, Western Australia!

Margaret River Western Australia Visitor Guide
Margaret River, Always

Forests & National Parks Map

Almost the entire west coast of the peninsula is protected within the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park. There are several places of interest though, which we mention below.

The locations are all plotted on the map, and displayed on a Forests & National Parks Map List below. Tap the map markers to discover more. Enjoy!

Map: Forests & National Parks Map

Forests & National Parks Map Includes these locations:

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Margaret River, Always

Have you visited?

Natural Attractions

Natural Attractions



Margaret River Weather

Margaret River Weather

Hamelin Bay

Hamelin Bay

Margaret River, Always

Other amazing locations in the South-West of Western Australia!

More information on the south-west coast in our other Western Australian travellers guides: