Sharing the majestic natural beauty of the Margaret River Region including Busselton, Margaret River, Dunsborough and Augusta, Western Australia!

Margaret River Western Australia Visitor Guide
Margaret River, Always

Regional Towns and Cities


Augusta is a town on the south-west coast of Western Australia where the Blackwood River emerges into Flinders Bay. It is the nearest town to Cape Leeuwin, the furthest south-west corner of the Australian continent. The Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse is just a few kilometres away. Visit Augusta


Cowaramup is the Wardandi name for the place of the purple crowned lorikeet. Now it is known as cow town to visitors and the two and a half thousand residents. The town is filled with statues of cows pretty much everywhere. Visit Cowaramup

Margaret River, Always

Have you visited?

Forests and National Parks

Forests and National Parks

Margaret River Town and Surrounds

Margaret River Town and Surrounds

Gnarabup Beach

Gnarabup Beach

Maps of the Dunsborough Region

Maps of the Dunsborough Region

Margaret River, Always

Other amazing locations in the South-West of Western Australia!

More information on the south-west coast in our other Western Australian travellers guides: